Establish Good Communication With Your Contractor
Ask the contractor how he prefers to communicate with you. Good options include:
- Being onsite and talking with your contractor every morning before work begins.
- Having your contractor’s cell phone number and the OK to call or text anytime.
- Talking with the job foreman every day at a pre-determined time.
Try to meet with the project leader at least once a day. This is an opportunity for you to hear progress reports and find out what work is scheduled over the coming days — and to ask your questions and voice any concerns you have.

Keep a Project Journal
Your project journal is your friend and ally. Use it to:
- Record progress.
- Note things you want to ask your contractor.
- Jot down ideas.
- Record product order numbers.
- Note upcoming delivery dates.
Be a Good Customer
One of the best ways to get quality work out of a contractor and construction crew is to make them enjoy working for you. That means being decisive with the contractor — and giving him a check promptly at the agreed-to points in the project.
Being friendly and accommodating of the workers is a great way to motivate them to do their best for you. Try:
- Designating a bathroom that they can use.
- Greeting them by name each morning.
- Serving them cold lemonade on a hot day.
- Complimenting their work (as long as you feel it’s worthy of praise).
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